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Is it as old as it looks?

Osaka castle, Japan, April 2024

The first castle was built on this site in 1597 by the samurai Toyotomi Hideyoshi but in 1615 it fell to attack by the Tokugawa clan and was burned to the ground.

A new and bigger version was built in 1620 by Tokugawa Hidetada. but thsi version was even shorter-lived, when lightning strikes in 1660 and 1665 destroyed mush of the castle and its tower.

There was no reconstruction during the feudal ages and it was not until 1931 that the present ferro-concrete reconstruction of the castle tower was built. Miraculously, especially given it past history of destruction, it survived World War 2 air raids.

In 1997 it was given a glitzy clean and refurbishment and that is what we now see here. It is now entirely modern inside, with a lift, a viewpoint over Osaka city and some museum displays.



Copyright Debbie Smyth, 30 May 2024

Posted as part of Becky’s Squares Renew

13 replies »

  1. The building look rather plastic to me but would be amazing to see. A good tourist attraction.
    I’ll have a beer on the rooftop terrace too thanks Debbie


  2. how extraordinary, and what a wonderful reconstruction.

    I have recently discovered that many of the houses on what will soon be my hill are not 17th century as I thought but mid 20th century. And like this wonderful building were built deliberately to look old and original.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Amazing what can be done, isn’t it. I just found its apparent newness a bit grating, but probably partly because I already knew it was a rebuild. I’m glad I got to see it, and I’m even more glad I booked a “get me in fast” ticket as the queues were massive. Taking this photo was much more enjoyable – from a rooftop terrace accompanied by a beer 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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