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13 replies »

  1. Aww, sweet, Debbie! 🙂
    Mildly annoyed because I prepared a “looking up/down” for you this week but I seem to’ve lost it in the WP ether! Still got the photos in my media library though so I’ll reconstruct asap.


    • That is annoying. Have you done a search on all posts? I’ve lost a couple of posts and then found then they published as though posted months before! My sympathies if you don’t find it!


  2. OMG I was trying to keep that stum. Especially the bedroom scene. They didn’t even give me enough time to fix my bed hair. And now you know my skiing abilities are nil as well – woe.

    Need to got my camera down there. One must have a personal scrap book. Blast I was so close today hob knobbing it in Liberty tout seul.


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