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Street art in action,  London,  June 2018



Over to all of you to join the challenge with your own action post.
To join the challenge, please use pingback by putting a link in your post to the URL of this post, allowing others to have the opportunity to visit and join the challenge.  Then come back here and leave us a comment.
If you have any problems with linking via pingback, just add your own URL into your comment.

Thanks to everyone who brought us some dwarfism last week – it was great to see different interpretations of this word, from tiny coins, through gnomes and dwarf, to the larger elements of our world that dwarf all of us. And special thanks to Jackie who cleverly linked her dwarf and giant posts, with a friendly quack.

If you didn’t have chance to check them out, the links are below.


Aletta at Now at Home

Artworks from Jesh StG
Brian at Bushboy’s World
Cee’s Photography
Daily Musings
Eklastic at Pictures Imperfect
Geriatri’x’ Fotogallery
Jackie at JunkBoat Travels
Ju-Lyn at Purple Pumpernickel

Lady Lee Manila
Maranto Photography
Margo at That Little Voice
Marie at 3Rs of Retirement
Na’ama Yehuda

Photo Robert’s Blog    
Ju-Lyn at Purple Pumpernickel
Ramya at Miles To Go Before I Sleep
Ron at Progressing into Solitude
Sandy at Out of My Write Mind
Sue at Words Visual
Su Leslie at Zimmerbitch
Tena at Jottings and Writings

Tom at Beyond the Sphere
Yvette at Priorhouse Blog
Aletta at Now at Home
Artworks from Jesh StG
Bend Branches

Chateaux des Fleurs
Eklastic at Pictures Imperfect
Geriatri’x’ Fotogallery
Jackie at JunkBoat Travels
Janet at Sustanabilitea
Ju-Lyn at Purple Pumpernickel

Sandy at Out of My Write Mind
Sue at Words Visual
Su Leslie at Zimmerbitch
Tom at Beyond the Sphere

Next week’s theme will be sugar.
Other forthcoming themes are listed here, and to see previous weeks of this challenge, click here




Copyright Debbie Smyth, 22 July 2018

Posted as part of  One Word Sunday

35 replies »

  1. your shots of the street and artist and art are wonderful but what keeps sticking with me – is the bottom of his feet – the dirty socks add a lot and this is so rich


  2. Pingback: Action | HX Report
  3. Reminds me of a joke: This prisoner tunnels out of prison, and comes up in a school play yard. “I’m free! I’m free!” he exclaims. “So what?” says a little girl in the playground. “I’m four.”
    Plus, I have the same shoes as the artist!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. oh you’ve changed it . . .guess that answers my question then about whether or not it was intentional! I liked the ‘wingback’ 😀


  5. One of my favourite places in London! I worked nearby for a couple of years and the National Gallery was a great place to spend lunch-hours. I can even see NZ House (if our government hasn’t sold it off) in the background. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

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