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Thank heavens for drops of rain

 And the heavens opened.

Rain pouring down a window and scene beyond is out of focus

St Albans, Hertfordshire, June 2020

We have had problems with our water supply here in St Albans. The high demand in May and early June meant very low pressure and sometimes empty taps! They assured us that they hadn’t run out of water, they just couldn’t get it to us fast enough.

With a series of grey, windy days it felt as though our seasons were upside down, with summer in May and spring or autumn in June. However, it is forgiven all that greyness now that the rain has arrived. And if we add a touch of evening sun (thank you, Lightroom) all looks good.

Rain pouring down a window and scene beyond is out of focus with orange glow of sunset


Copyright Debbie Smyth, 7 June 2020

Posted as part of All Seasons

20 replies »

  1. Oh empty taps, that’s scary! Hope it was not for long! Crazy weather, eh? They’re predicting it will happen here too, it seems the weather is a mirror of social situations in the country! Thanks you for sharing this with All Seasons – making us thankful for something as simple as water!! Have wet week, Jesh


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