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Cheeky youngsters

Close to the swans at Verulam Lake, St Albans, February 2021

The local swans have become very brave and cheeky. Lockdown means increased numbers of visitors to Verulam Lake, and many people feed the swans despite the clears signs that this is not good for them and the other wildlife living here. The swans and geese now simply expect all humans to provide food and come over to demand it. I was pecked and harassed while taking these photos!



Copyright Debbie Smyth, 3 March 2021

Posted as part of Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge

16 replies »

      • Some of those waddling water birds just don’t have any manners. When you move gracefully you have a certain dignity and much prefer fish. I bet people are feeding bread. That’s going to kill them, too fatty for their digestion. Grain is better because you can’t stop people wanting to connect but not with a bill and flapping 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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