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White horses of the Camargue

White horses of the Camargue, France, May 2015

Yes, they are grey, but they are commonly talked about as the white horses of the Camargue. True beauties, whatever we call them.

And if you’d like to see more, I highly recommend the 1953 children’s film Crin-Blanc, or White Mane.



Copyright Debbie Smyth, 4 March 2021

Posted as part of Cee’s B&W Challenge

19 replies »

  1. Absolutely gorgeous, and how lovely to get up close and serious with these lovely beasts. You must be very proud of these photos.


    • Yes. I hadn’t really got a clue what I was doing! I turned up to find myself surrounded by really experienced photographers, with multiple cameras and lenses, some professional drone photographers, a winner of Travel Photographer of the Year, ….. but I survived and got addicted!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Edited. This was very early in my photography and needed a fair bit of work and would probably need less editing if I took the shot now. But all raw photos need some editing. Just like a negative being developed. JPEG’s are edited by the camera and turned into a jpg. Raw is the data from which to produce an image and always needs something – just adding a bit of oomph if nothing else.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my. I always wanted to see these horses ever since childhood so this weekend trip was a delight. Much of it is spent lying on the beach waiting for galloping horses to come running towards you. And sometimes over you. These ones are some of my calmer shots!

      Liked by 2 people

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