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Southwark Cathedral, London, December 2017

Welcome to One Word Sunday, and over to all of you to join the challenge with your own icon post.
To join the challenge, please use pingback by putting a link in your post to the URL of this post, allowing others to have the opportunity to visit and join the challenge.  Then come back here and leave us a comment.
If you have any problems with linking via pingback, just add your own URL into your comment.

It also helps us find you in the WordPress Reader, if you use etc tags OWS and OneWordSunday.

Thanks to everyone who sent us into the distant last week. If you didn’t have chance to check out everyone’s offerings, the links are below. Why not grab a coffee now and go blog exploring.


Next week’s theme will be behind.
Other forthcoming themes are listed here, and to see previous weeks of this challenge, click here





Copyright Debbie Smyth, 12 November 2023

Posted as part of  One Word Sunday

47 replies »

  1. Pingback: Icon | WordsVisual
  2. I was just about to look up the difference between a symbol and an icon, because I was considering church steeples with crosses. But I’ve decided to go a different route. And by the way, the difference is that a symbol can be abstract.

    Liked by 1 person

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