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The Foggy Side of London


BT Tower viewed from Tottenham Court Road,  London,  January 2017

Winter has been kind to us here so far.  My camera and I have revelled in the low light, the long shadows and the crisp frost.  But every now and then, the fog takes over!


Houses of Parliament,  London,  December 2016


London Eye,  London,  December 2016


Copyright Debbie Smyth, 26 January 2017


Part of  Thursday SpecialSkywatch Friday and All Seasons


22 replies »

  1. Love the shots! So glad to come across this post as I recently got intrigued by the idea of London in the fog , after visiting a Monet exhibition in Basel. Dedicated my latest post to it last week and was asking Londoners if they really feel that London is more beautiful in the fog. Is there a particular season you enjoy more in the city?


  2. Wow, the warning for the Londoners to stay inside because of the fog must have been new! Don’t like the fog, but it gives for intriguing and mysterious photos;) Hope you didn’t “have to” go anywhere, and these pics are only because you wanted to? Many thanks for your beautiful foggy captures with ALL SEASONS! Much appreciated, and wishing you a clear-sky-week!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have been listening about fog in London for my whole life and I did not see it when I was there. These are beautiful. I don’t like fog, but I like seeing it in photos. That first capture is terrific.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think this was the worst I’ve known. Many flights were cancelled and people were warned to stay inside for health reasons. I was late getting in for a meeting as the trains struggled too!

      On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 10:21 PM, Travel with Intent wrote:



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