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Travelling freely by book not plane

Getting in the mood for my travels in 2019

I’m hoping there’ll be more places to add ( I have a few ideas!)

A glance back at 2018

And Kindle plays a role too – I use Kindle Unlimited to pull in books for planning and to carry on my travels without added weight. Then I return them and move to new plans!

Now over to all of you. Do come and join us in our Saturday six-word musings.

I’ll admit that many of us openly break the numeric rule and share far more words (all excellent of course!) so the key rule is to have a title of six words – and then create around that the post that you desire! Perhaps in bunches of 6 words if you’re feeling inspired.

To join the challenge, please put a link in your post to the URL of this post. Then come back here and leave us a comment. If you have any problems with linking, just put your own URL into the comment. And do feel free to socialise digitally – tweet, instagram, flickr, etc. with the hashtagtags #SixWordSaturday and #6WS.



Copyright Debbie Smyth, 9 March 2019

Posted as part of Six Word Saturday

52 replies »

  1. Ah, great collection! I love to travel, but now I can’t do so much I travel by book and photograph! And I still have quite a few books of tulip diagrams from past rallies…woohoo!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Books and travel, two of the most fun and incredible things to do especially as the first enables us all to do the latter even if we can’t actually move 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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