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  1. Sorry I’m late visiting. Just playing catch-up after being offline for nearly 10 days due to my incompetent internet provider.

    You are SO lucky. I can’t believe you have a mural festival. Ours was cancelled this year, but I absolutely adore the wonderful and brilliant colors used in this one. Lucky you were in the right place at the right time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It has been very low key. The map is only updated once the mural is complete and they are spread all over London. So it’s not lik etch lively, buzzing street art festivals that we usually enjoy. But at least it means there is new art out there to find 🙂


  2. Beautiful! A place you want to come home to!
    The house to our left is pink. Ours… grey. Sad. (At least we have green, orange and red walls, HA).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That will wake you up and you’d never have any trouble telling people which building you lived in! Also hard to miss it coming back at night, although I don’t really know if it has residences in it or is a commercial building…or both. Hard to miss period.



  4. I love seeing the pictures you have from the East End of London. How different it is today, and how it brings back so many memories. I can no longer visit London, but I can see your wonderful photos. My grandfather’s family on the paternal side were from the Shoreditch area.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shame you can’t travel here, but I’m glad you enjoy the photos. Shoreditch is a nice area, with plenty of street art, good repurposing of old building, nice restaurants and bars, and small independent shops. And if you would like me to check out any particular streets for you and send you photos, just say, I’d be happy to do that.


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