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Time Warp Dalí Style

This fantastic Dalíesque clock, inspired by his famous painting The Persistence of Memory ( La persistencia de la memoria), adorns a slightly wonky bench outside the Dalí Museum in St Petersburg, Florida. This is […]

K is for… Kapok

This stately and gnarled tree twists and turns its way around the garden outside the Museum of Fine arts in St Petersburg, Florida.  It attracts plenty of tourist attention because […]

Crimson Fronds

On a wet and stormy Florida evening, this palm tree brought a very warm and welcoming feel to the seafront in St Petersburg. Linked to Ruby Tuesday.

Stormy Florida Sky

The wet and windy weather that hit Florida just as I arrived in February was mild compared to the ice storm that was terrorising most of the other states. I […]

Proud Pelican

This beautiful pelican was sunning himself at the end of the now-defunct pier in St Petersburg, Florida. But he wasn’t too relaxed to grab a quick snack when it came […]